EV Innovation & Technology Conference to focus on advanced manufacturing and supply chain in CanadaEvents
Nov 30, 2022
Emma Jarratt

The EV Innovation & Technology Conference, hosted by Electric Autonomy in partnership with Next Generation Manufacturing Canada, will showcase Canadian industry leaders discussing opportunities and challenges in achieving success in the EV economy

Electric Autonomy Canada, in partnership with Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), is bringing together electric vehicle and automotive industry leaders from across Canada for the EV Innovation & Technology Conference 2023 in Toronto next February.

The EV Innovation & Technology Conference, hosted by Electric Autonomy in partnership with Next Generation Manufacturing Canada, will showcase Canadian industry leaders discussing opportunities and challenges in achieving success in the EV economy

Electric Autonomy Canada, in partnership with Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), is bringing together electric vehicle and automotive industry leaders from across Canada for the EV Innovation & Technology Conference 2023 in Toronto next February.

The conference will feature manufacturers, technology developers, solution providers and other industry leaders representing all stages of Canada’s EV value chain.

In panel discussions and keynote presentations, they’ll detail how they are positioning their organizations for success and tackling the challenges they face as the industry transforms to an EV future.

“The EV Innovation & Technology Conference will bring together industry leaders to showcase what Canada has to offer and help chart a course forward for Canada to capture the value from the EV transformation,” says Jayson Myers, CEO of NGen.

“Canada has what it takes to build a sustainable EV industry — not only critical minerals, but the innovation and advanced manufacturing capabilities needed to address many of the challenges currently found throughout the EV value chain.”

Best and brightest

Speakers at the one-day event include leaders and innovators in vehicle and parts manufacturing, battery technology, sustainable supply chain development and more.

“In collaboration with our partners, NGen, we’re excited to bring together the best and the brightest players working across the EV supply chain to centre Canada as an innovative and green advanced manufacturing powerhouse for the new automotive industry,” says Nino Di Cara, founder and president of Electric Autonomy.

The conference is aimed at industry attendees. These include: automotive industry professionals, researchers and innovators in the electric vehicle sector, strategic investors, government and policymakers.

Session topics include:

  • Retooling the Manufacturing Landscape
  • Building a Sustainable Supply Chain: Canada’s Green Edge
  • Next-generation Battery Innovations
  • Strategies for Developing our Talent Ecosystem

Some of the announced speakers at the event include: Marissa West, president and managing director of GM Canada; John Laughlin, chief technology officer at NGen, Linda Hasenfratz, executive chairman and CEO of Linamar Corp.; Rob Wildeboer, executive chairman and co-founder of Martinrea International; Matthew Fortier, president and CEO of Accelerate; and Asmae Mokrini, NSERC/team lead in materials for energy technologies at National Research Council of Canada.

Marissa West photo and GM logo

Marissa West President and Managing Director, GM Canada

Linda Hasenfratz photo and logo

Linda Hasenfratz Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Linamar Corporation

Rob Wildeboer Headshot

Rob Wildeboer Executive Chairman and Co-Founder, Martinrea

Asmae Mokrini Headshot

Asmae Mokrini NSERC/Team Lead Materials for Energy Technologies

John Laughlin Headshot

John Laughlin Chief Technology Officer, NGen

Matthew Fortier Headshot

Matthew Fortier President and CEO, Accelerate

A full conference program will be unveiled in the near future. Networking opportunities will be available at registration and morning coffee, midday lunch, and a cocktail reception and networking event in the evening.

Registration details for the conference for non-media attendees are found here. Additionally, early bird pricing is in effect until Dec. 5.

Media are asked to apply to the event by emailing events@electricautonomy.ca.

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